A REST service to run program in restricted environment (Listening on localhost:5050
by default).
- /run POST execute program in the restricted environment (examples below)
- /file GET list all cached file id to original name map
- /file POST prepare a file in the go judge (in memory), returns fileId (can be referenced in /run parameter)
- /file/:fileId GET downloads file from go judge (in memory), returns file content
- /file/:fileId DELETE delete file specified by fileId
- /ws WebSocket for /run
- /stream WebSocket for stream run
- /version gets build git version (e.g.
) together with runtime information (go version, os, platform) - /config gets some configuration (e.g.
) together with some supported features
REST API Interface
interface LocalFile {
src: string; // absolute path for the file
interface MemoryFile {
content: string | Buffer; // file contents
interface PreparedFile {
fileId: string; // fileId defines file uploaded by /file
interface Collector {
name: string; // file name in copyOut
max: number; // maximum bytes to collect from pipe
pipe?: boolean; // collect over pipe or not (default false)
interface Symlink {
symlink: string; // symlink destination (v1.6.0+)
interface StreamIn {
streamIn: boolean; // stream input (v1.8.1+)
interface StreamOut {
streamOut: boolean; // stream output (v1.8.1+)
interface Cmd {
args: string[]; // command line argument
env?: string[]; // environment
// specifies file input / pipe collector for program file descriptors (null is reserved for pipe mapping and must be filled by in / out)
files?: (LocalFile | MemoryFile | PreparedFile | Collector | StreamIn | StreamOut | null)[];
tty?: boolean; // enables tty on the input and output pipes (should have just one input & one output)
// Notice: must have TERM environment variables (e.g. TERM=xterm)
// limitations
cpuLimit?: number; // ns
realCpuLimit?: number; // deprecated: use clock limit instead (still working)
clockLimit?: number; // ns
memoryLimit?: number; // byte
stackLimit?: number; // byte (N/A on windows, macOS cannot set over 32M)
procLimit?: number;
cpuRateLimit?: number; // limit cpu usage (1000 equals 1 cpu)
cpuSetLimit?: string; // Linux only: set the cpuSet for cgroup
strictMemoryLimit?: boolean; // deprecated: use dataSegmentLimit instead (still working)
dataSegmentLimit?: boolean; // Linux only: use (+ rlimit_data limit) enable by default if cgroup not enabled
addressSpaceLimit?: boolean; // Linux only: use (+ rlimit_address_space limit)
// copy the correspond file to the container dst path
copyIn?: {[dst:string]:LocalFile | MemoryFile | PreparedFile | Symlink};
// copy out specifies files need to be copied out from the container after execution
// append '?' after file name will make the file optional and do not cause FileError when missing
copyOut?: string[];
// similar to copyOut but stores file in go judge and returns fileId, later download through /file/:fileId
copyOutCached?: string[];
// specifies the directory to dump container /w content
copyOutDir: string
// specifies the max file size to copy out
copyOutMax?: number; // byte
enum Status {
Accepted = 'Accepted', // normal
MemoryLimitExceeded = 'Memory Limit Exceeded', // mle
TimeLimitExceeded = 'Time Limit Exceeded', // tle
OutputLimitExceeded = 'Output Limit Exceeded', // ole
FileError = 'File Error', // fe
NonzeroExitStatus = 'Nonzero Exit Status',
Signalled = 'Signalled',
InternalError = 'Internal Error', // system error
interface PipeIndex {
index: number; // the index of cmd
fd: number; // the fd number of cmd
interface PipeMap {
in: PipeIndex; // input end of the pipe
out: PipeIndex; // output end of the pipe
// enable pipe proxy from in to out,
// content from in will be discarded if out closes
proxy?: boolean;
name?: string; // copy out proxy content if proxy enabled
// limit the copy out content size,
// proxy will still functioning after max
max?: number;
enum FileErrorType {
CopyInOpenFile = 'CopyInOpenFile',
CopyInCreateFile = 'CopyInCreateFile',
CopyInCopyContent = 'CopyInCopyContent',
CopyOutOpen = 'CopyOutOpen',
CopyOutNotRegularFile = 'CopyOutNotRegularFile',
CopyOutSizeExceeded = 'CopyOutSizeExceeded',
CopyOutCreateFile = 'CopyOutCreateFile',
CopyOutCopyContent = 'CopyOutCopyContent',
CollectSizeExceeded = 'CollectSizeExceeded',
interface FileError {
name: string; // error file name
type: FileErrorType; // type
message?: string; // detailed message
interface Request {
requestId?: string; // for WebSocket requests
cmd: Cmd[];
pipeMapping?: PipeMap[];
interface CancelRequest {
cancelRequestId: string;
// WebSocket request
type WSRequest = Request | CancelRequest;
interface Result {
status: Status;
error?: string; // potential system error message
exitStatus: number;
time: number; // ns (cgroup recorded time)
memory: number; // byte
runTime: number; // ns (wall clock time)
procPeak?: number; // peak number of process (cgroup v2, kernel >= 6.1)
// copyFile name -> content
files?: {[name:string]:string};
// copyFileCached name -> fileId
fileIds?: {[name:string]:string};
// fileError contains detailed file errors
fileError?: FileError[];
// WebSocket results
interface WSResult {
requestId: string;
results: Result[];
error?: string;
// Stream request & responses
interface Resize {
index: number;
fd: number;
rows: number;
cols: number;
x: number;
y: number;
interface Input {
index: number;
fd: number;
content: Buffer;
interface Output {
index: number;
fd: number;
content: Buffer;
WebSocket Stream Interface
Websocket stream interface is used to run command interactively with inputs and outputs pumping from the command. All message is transmitted in binary format for maximum compatibility.
| type | payload ...
type =
1 - request (payload = JSON encoded request)
2 - resize (payload = JSON encoded resize request)
3 - input (payload = 1 byte (4-bit index + 4-bit fd), followed by content)
4 - cancel (no payload)
type =
1 - response (payload = JSON encoded response)
2 - output (payload = 1 byte (4-bit index + 4-bit fd), followed by content)
Any incomplete / invalid message will be treated as error.