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  • Linux Kernel Version >= 3.10
  • Cgroup file system mounted at /sys/fs/cgroup. Usually done by systemd


Execution Workflow

Return Status

  • Accepted: Program exited with status code 0 within time & memory limits
  • Memory Limit Exceeded: Program uses more memory than memory limits
  • Time Limit Exceeded:
    • Program uses more CPU time than cpuLimit
    • Or, program uses more clock time than clockLimit
  • Output Limit Exceeded:
    • Program output more than pipeCollector limits
    • Or, program output more than output-limit
  • File Error:
    • CopyIn file is not existed
    • Or, CopyIn file too large for container file system
    • Or, CopyOut file is not existed after program exited
  • Non Zero Exit Status: Program exited with non 0 status code within time & memory limits
  • Signalled: Program exited with signal (e.g. SIGSEGV)
  • Dangerous Syscall: Program killed by seccomp filter
  • Internal Error:
    • Program is not exist
    • Or, container create not successful (e.g. not privileged docker)
    • Or, other errors


  • envexec: run single / group of programs in parallel within restricted environment and resource constraints
  • env: reference implementation environments to inject into envexec

Windows Support

  • Build go-judge by: go build ./cmd/go-judge/
  • Build go_judge.dll: (need to install gcc as well) go build -buildmode=c-shared -o ./cmd/go-judge-ffi/
  • Run: ./go-judge

Windows Security

MacOS Support

  • Build go-judge by: go build ./cmd/go-judge/
  • Build go_judge.dylib: (need to install XCode) go build -buildmode=c-shared -o go_judge.dylib ./cmd/go-judge-ffi/
  • Run: ./go-judge

MacOS Security

  • sandbox-init profile deny network access and file read / write and read / write to /Users directory


cgroup usage

For cgroup v1, the go-judge need root privilege to create cgroup. Either creates sub-directory /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuacct/gojudge, /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/gojudge, /sys/fs/cgroup/pids/gojudge and make execution user readable or use sudo to run it.

For cgroup v2, systemd dbus will be used to create a transient scope for cgroup integration.

If no permission to create cgroup, the cgroup related limit will not be effective.

cgroup v2 support

The cgroup v2 is supported by go-judge now when running as root since more Linux distribution are enabling cgroup v2 by default (e.g. Ubuntu 21.10+, Fedora 31+). However, for kernel < 5.19, due to missing memory.max_usage_in_bytes in memory controller, the memory usage is now accounted by maxrss returned by wait4 syscall. Thus, the memory usage appears higher than those who uses cgroup v1. For kernel >= 5.19, memory.peak is being used.

When running in containers, the go-judge will migrate all processed into /api hierarchy to enable nesting support.

When running in Linux distributions powered by systemd, the go-judge will contact systemd via dbus to create a transient scope as cgroup root.

When running with kernel >= 5.7, the go-judge will try faster clone3(CLONE_INTO_CGROUP) method.

Memory Usage

The controller will consume 20M memory and each container will consume 20M + size of tmpfs 2 * 128M. For each request, it consumes as much as user program limit + extra limit (16k) + total copy out max. Notice that the cached file stores in the shared memory (/dev/shm) of the host, so please ensure enough size allocated.

For example, when concurrency = 4, the container itself can consume as much as 60 + (20+32) * 4M = 268M + 4 * total copy out + total max memory of requests.

Due to limitation of GO runtime, the memory will not return to OS automatically, which could lead to OOM killer. The background worker was introduced to checks heap usage and invokes GC when necessary.

  • -force-gc-target default 20m, the minimal size to trigger GC
  • -force-gc-interval default 5s, the interval to check memory usage


By wrk with t.lua: wrk -s t.lua -c 1 -t 1 -d 30s --latency http://localhost:5050/run.

However, these results are not the real use cases since the running time depends on the actual program specifies in the request. Normally, the go judge consumes ~1ms more compare to running without sandbox.

wrk.method = "POST"
wrk.body   = '{"cmd":[{"args":["/bin/cat","a.hs"],"env":["PATH=/usr/bin:/bin"],"files":[{"content":""},{"name":"stdout","max":10240},{"name":"stderr","max":10240}],"cpuLimit":10000000000,"memoryLimit":104857600,"procLimit":50,"copyIn":{"a.hs":{"content":"main = putStrLn \\"Hello, World!\\""},"b":{"content":"TEST"}}}]}'
wrk.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json;charset=UTF-8"
  • Single thread ~800-860 op/s Windows 10 WSL2 @ 5800X
  • Multi thread ~4500-6000 op/s Windows 10 WSL2 @ 5800X

Single thread:

Running 30s test @ http://localhost:5050/run
  1 threads and 1 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency     1.16ms  132.89us   6.20ms   90.15%
    Req/Sec     0.87k    19.33     0.91k    85.33%
  Latency Distribution
     50%    1.13ms
     75%    1.18ms
     90%    1.27ms
     99%    1.61ms
  25956 requests in 30.01s, 6.88MB read
Requests/sec:    864.88
Transfer/sec:    234.68KB

go-sandbox Container Protocol